We had gone to this particular beach once already this trip, but it was during the cold front so we were not able to spend as much time as we would have liked in the water. Today was absolutely perfect, it was calm and sunny, and the water temperature seemed a lot more comfortable than it had just a week or so prior.
We spent a leisurely two+ hours snorkeling about, taking it all in. This was the longest non-stop snorkel trip for S and I so far. The boys brought their spears just in case, but they were not entirely fixated on spearing like usual. It was a good thing they did though, as D got a nice schoolmaster and J a large Margate. We had been seeing a lot of Margate's this trip, but had not been able to get very close to them and we were unsure if they were good eating or not. After our last sighting I Google searched them and found they were perfectly edible. When J finally got close enough to one he jumped on the opportunity to spear it for dinner. It wound up tasting very similar to crab.
As we were just starting to tucker out and work our way to shore a small barracuda showed up and starting pestering me. I had forgot to wear my dive gloves so it is possible it was attracted to my ring or maybe just my feminine whiles, but it was definitely getting way to close for comfort. D and S love barracuda and it was a small enough one to be safe to eat (according to a local guide) so J asked if he could spear it. I gave him the go ahead, since it was down to spear it or I desperately flee to the kayak, before I lost a finger. He quickly snuck in and rescued me from the pesky barracuda. We all decided to call it quits after that and worked our way back to shore.
After a huge late lunch we all waddled our way back to the car, and headed back to DaVilla. We took it pretty easy for the next few hours, then at sunset decided to grab a bottle of wine and out towels and head across the road to Alabaster Beach to watch the sunset. It was a serenely quiet and calm evening. So calm that we had forgotten about our little no-seeum friends. As soon as we parked ourselves on or towels they began eating us alive. Suddenly an evening swim seemed like a great idea. Even with the dimming light you could see way out into the shallow water. It looked clear of critters so we went for it. It was a fantastic swim, there is just something amazing about swimming in that low light. Luckily none of us became shark bait and we had a fantastic time.
Once we left the water the no-seems went after us with a vengeance, so we grabbed the wine and hightailed it back to DaVilla. D cooked us up the Margate and Barracuda for dinner with yellow rice and salad. I had reached my maximum fish intake for the trip and could not even bare to take another bite. I guess that is a good sign right, ate so much of a good thing you just don't want anymore. I wish I could say the same about spending time on Eleuthera, but I will always want more.